Creating A More Informed Public Dialogue on Issues of Race in America
Our vision is of a just, fair, and equitable country. A country where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are inalienable rights for everybody, regardless of race, and where all people are created equal.
CCP creates carefully researched and engaging stories through published writing, Substack, podcasts, documentary films, and other media.
Our goal is to reach out to all Americans regardless of political affiliation or background to facilitate a deeper discussion about race in America.
Join the Conversation by following our regular written content on Substack, exploring current and historical issues of race in America.
We work to inform the false narrative America tells itself about race by bringing about a more successful dialogue that inclusive.
We support the movement to end racism in America through thoughtful storytelling and an accurate historical perspective.
CCP initiates and invites the public to join a more informed civil conversation surrounding race through our Guided Conversations Workshops and the Civil Communities Initiative.
Our goal is to guide participants to more fully understand how race actually works, and how it affects the entire country.

“All we say to America is be true to what you said on paper.”
— Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King