Changing the Narrative About
Race in America
Our Mission
Our mission is to bring an end to American racism by telling significant historical and contemporary stories and by engaging in dialogue in order to bring an accurate perspective to the structures and systems that perpetuate racism, thereby informing the public dialogue on the local and national level.
Click the link below to view our Strategic Plan.
Our Belief
We believe the narrative that America tells itself about who we are as a country perpetuates racism. We believe that education, through truthful storytelling and civil conversation is a powerful change agent. We believe our long unresolved history of racial animosity and racial injustice is both the primary obstacle to achieving this country’s potential and the root cause of the current Great Political Divide. We believe racism has created our current extremist political atmosphere. We believe this race-based divide is a tool to disrupt and then re-create a democracy that suits only a minority of Americans. We believe anti-Black racism is the most persistent and at this point in our county’s history, the most imbedded in our institutions. Thus this is where The Civil Conversations Project has chosen to focus our efforts.
Click the link below to learn more about Our Programs.
Our Work
The Project crafts carefully researched and engaging stories through published writing, documentary filming and other media, podcasting, and blogging - challenging many of the long-held beliefs and assumptions that America tells itself about race. We encourage and initiate informed civil conversation surrounding race. We reach out to all Americans regardless of political affiliation or beliefs, facilitating a deeper discussion about race in America.
Click the link below to learn more about Our Work.